Mini album and a pile of ATC's

In January we got to enjoy a wonderful new collection by Carabelle Studio, and to celebrate the new product release the design team arranged a fun release party for our Carabelle Friends. During the party there was something for everyone: Live demos, tutorial videos, and challenges to participate. Lucky challenge winners got a generous package of new products! 

My project was a maze book i.e. a mini album that you make of one 12" sheet of cardstock. I decorated the pages with gel printed squares and stamped and coloured images (loooove those characters by Kate Crane!).

Here's the folding and cutting template for the mini album:

To inspire the release party participants to create their own mini albums I put together a tutorial video; it can be viewed both on my YouTube channel as well as on Carabelle Studio channel:

Maybe you noted that on the video I pulled several colourful prints, using the new art printing plate (design by Birgit Koopsen). Only a couple of gel printed squares were used for decorating my mini album pages, and I was left with a pile of colourful pieces. Guess what I used them for?

I created ATC cards!

I had a black gel printed paper in my stash, and I cut it to ATC card backgrounds.

As usual I stamped, coloured and cut a few extra images, so they were ready to be used for my cards. Their sizes were perfect for ATC's: not too small nor too big.

I punched a circle on the colourful gel printed squares and glued them on the cards. Looks quite nice, doesn't it!

I was so happy and proud to see many wonderful maze books created, using my video as guidance. I loved each and every one of them!

Wishing you a colourful rest of the week. Happy weekend!