Scrapbooking layout for Sketchabilities DT: More ideas than time


Sketchabilities has revealed a new great sketch for you:

Sketchabilities sketches are so fun to work with. This sketch #146 inspired me to include lots of mixed media elements like splashes and paint drops on my page, so this is what I came up with:

The background pattern is created with my Gelli Plate; there was some leftover paint on the plate, and I just lifted it on a blank paper. Then I covered the page with clear gesso, and continued working with pink and purple watercolours.

The dots are stencilled and heat embossed with blue embossing powder. White splashes and circles are acrylic paint.

I also took out my sewing machine and added more texture with sewing both straight stitches and zig zag on the page.

Finishing touches were made with stamping black text on the background.

For more Sketchabilities inspiration I suggest you follow this link to see all the amazing layouts our design team has made for you. And our lovely sponsor, Heartfelt Creations, is offering three $30.00 gift certificates to three random linkers; how cool is that!

For more information on Heartfelt Creations follow the links below:
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To participate all you need to do is to create a layout using the above sketch and link up your project no later than September 13th here.

Wishing you an inspiring week!


  1. Wow!! Sooo gorgeous! Your work is lovely! I went through your blog and am your latest follower ! Thanks for sharing happiness with the world :)
    Suchi xx
