Farewell to Sketchabilities: Scrapbooking layout using sketch #148

All good things eventually come to an end. After six (!!) amazing years of inspiring sketches the last Sketchabilities sketch was revealed a while back. I want to thank Karan Gerber for the amazing opportunity to be part of the last design team. What a ride that was! There was so much talent in that team, and I also want to thank all the warmhearted DT girls for sharing your inspiration, ideas, and enthusiasm with me. I fully understand that managing two sketch challenge blogs among other duties is a lot of work, and I support Karan fully in her decision to allocate her time for other things and activities in her life. Which there are a lot! Please follow this link to read her farewell words.

Here's the last Sketchabilities sketch #148...

... and my take on it:

The picture on this layout was taken last May when we spent a long family weekend in London. Visiting that city had been a long time dream of my daughter and she was so thrilled to finally be there. Our hotel was just a short walk away from London Eye, so on the first day we took a ride on it to see the beautiful city from high above. My daughter spotted Big Ben immediately and was so happy to see it for the first time. Truly a moment to remember!

The background of the layout is decorated with spray mists and stamps. The lovely floral pattern is from a stamp set by Nathalie Kalbach. I really love her desings!

All the inspiring Sketchabilities sketches are collected on one board in Pinterest. View them all here.
For cardmakers I suggest you visit Karan's Cardabilities sketch collection board-- just follow this link!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

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