Scrapbook layout: Less work, less worry. More love, more play.


Late August I spent the most amazing weekend in beautiful Egersund in Norway. Thinking back on that weekend still brings a smile to my face: Spending time with friends, crafting 'till midnight, learning a lot on Kate Crane's workshops, and enjoying the beautiful Norwegian scenery. What else could a crafty girl wish for?

There will be a separate blog post about the amazing workshops, but before that one's out,  I wanted to share with you a layout I made during the crop.

The Cocoa Daisy background paper had some fun doodling on the top of the page, and as I needed a balancing element on the bottom of the page, I followed the given style on the bottom flower that I draw myself. The flowers are not identical, but I think I was able to imitate the original style quite nicely. My flower was drawn on white paper, cut out, and glued on the background paper.

I'm so happy how this simple layout turned out! The title is cut from a journaling card, and I thought it matched pretty well the playful picture :)

Thanks for stopping by in my blog; wishing you a great day!
