We are family: Snapshot keepsake on a scrapbook page

Hope you have had time to view all the gorgeous entries talented crafters have linked to our Craft Stamper August blog challenge? My design team friends have put up lots of new inspiration and eye candy for you, just follow this link to see all the inspiration posts!

My second August project is a 12" layout I made using materials I received in a fun scrap material swap that was organized among Finnish scrapbookers during summer. Thank you Heidi T. for an envelope filled with inspiration!

The fun picture of my dear crafty friends was taken by Olga Heldwein at Mixed Media Party this summer. Thinking back at that amazing weekend brings a smile on my face. You girls rock!

A simple layout with fresh colours. Pure joy of playing with patterned papers. And for a change a page without any mixed media elements! :D

Wishing you a wonderful week. Hope you will get inspired to play along our fun challenge! You can find all details here.

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