Pienet tiskaajat - Little dishwashers

Summer Camp 2012 -leiskojen esittely jatkuu :)
Tämä syntyi Karinen antamien ohjeiden mukaan. Tausta on pohjustettu gessolla, värjätty suihkemaaleilla ja koristeltu askarteluveitsellä leikatuilla aukkokuvioilla. Tykkään!

Another layout inspired by Summer Camp 2012 :)
This one was made following Karine's instructions. The background was first covered with gesso, then misted with spray mist colours and finished with some hand-cut embellishments. Yep, I like it!

Title: Pienet tiskaajat - Little Dishwashers
Journaling: At the beginning of summer we always take out our sand toys. You think that washing the toys is a super fun task. However, dish washing fun would be available for you in the kitchen every day, if you wish!
Somehow you don't seem to think that it would be quite the same. Strange!


  1. Ihanan raikkaat värit ja kaunis asettelu.

  2. Iloinen ja tausta on kaunis - vesivärimäinen!

  3. Aivan ihana, jotenkin tosi hellyyttävä:)
