Skissedilla 169: Rakas hurmuri - Dear Charmer

Tälläkin viikolla oli jälleen tartuttava Skissedillan haasteeseen. On hienoa, että muitakin tuttuja skräppääjiä on löytänyt tiensä näiden haasteiden pariin!
Ihana taustapaperi on AC:n Amy Tangerine -sarjasta (Sketchbook/Saffron Study). Paperi oli mielestäni niin kesäisen hehkuva, ettei sivu paljoa koristeita kaivannut. Muutama leima ja teippiä ja sivu oli valmis!

Skissedilla sketch was again super inspiring so I just had to play along. And when browsing though the past Skissedilla challenges I was thrilled to see entries of other Finnish scrapbookers, too!
The beautiful background paper is from AC Amy Tangerine series (Sketchbook/Saffron Study). Don't you just love the glowing warm summer colors! The beautiful paper did not need much embellishing; just a few stamps and washi tape and the layout was finished.

Title: Rakas hurmuri - Dear Charmer

Journaling: You just turned four. Bursting with stories and sunshine. You are brave and you have lots of friends.

You like to play with your sister and are always sending kisses to your loved ones. You are irresistible, my dear charmer.
Materiaalit ovat Cocoa Daisyn kesäkuun pakista.

Supplies from Cocoa Daisy June kit.